Andrew Tate, a contentious influencer, Banned from Facebook and Instagram.

A number of advocacy organizations that believe Mr. Andrew Tate “poses a genuine threat” to young people have applauded the decision.

According to its parent firm Meta, controversial influencer Andrew Tate has been banned from Facebook and Instagram for breaking those platforms’ rules on dangerous people.

As per Meta, Mr Tate’s official accounts on social media have been deleted, and he is not permitted to make any new ones.

The kickboxer gained notoriety in 2016 after making an appearance on Big Brother and getting kicked off the show when a video surfaced online that purported to show him using a belt to beat a woman.

He insisted that the video was manipulated.

Since then, he has been more well-known online for making obscene and abusive remarks, some of which included the suggestion that women “have some culpability” for being molested.

Before it was deleted, he had amassed more than four million followers on Instagram.

The multi-millionaire also runs Hustlers University, an online pyramid scheme that promotes itself as a resource for learning how to generate money.

Videos with the hashtag “Mr Tate” have been viewed more than 13 billion times on TikTok alone. Mr Tate-related clips have also gained popularity on YouTube and TikTok.

He does not, however, have a TikTok account that is officially affiliated with the service because, according to a representative, “Misogyny is a vile ideology that is not permitted on TikTok.”

Since we have been removing objectionable content for several weeks, we are pleased to hear that other platforms are also taking action against this person.

Andrew Tate “presents a real threat”

A number of advocacy organizations have criticised Mr Tate for his opinions and cautioned that young men and boys who watch his internet postings are in danger.

Women’s safety organization Refuge responded to the news of his exclusion by stating that Meta had chosen the “correct choice.”

Ruth Davison, the organization’s chief executive, stated that this kind of firm action was required to combat the radicalization of young men online into a brutally misogynistic worldview.

Hope Not to Hate, a campaign organisation referred to Mr Tate as a “danger to young men” and applauded Meta’s “swift” response.

However, according to the Centre for Countering Digital Hate, “more needs to be done.”

Imran Ahmed, the organization’s chief executive, stated that Tate “encourages his followers to publish his films using their own accounts and link back to his website.”

“Tate continues to be featured in videos as part of his Hustlers University Ponzi scheme. Videos on YouTube that do this abound and have brought Google millions of dollars in ad income “He added.

The posting of links to Mr Tate’s website, which contains materials intended to radicalise young males, should also be prohibited. “Meta should now go further and guarantee that additional people sharing films involving Mr Tate are sanctioned for violating their community rules on hatred.”

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