Meghan Markle responds to racist allegations: ‘Who’s next?’

Meghan Markle received criticism for mentioning Nelson Mandela and equating her marriage to Prince Harry with his.

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Meghan Markle has drawn criticism for the purported conversation she had with the Lion King actor about her marriage to Prince Harry and its allusion to Nelson Mandela while they were both in London.

A close insider to the Firm has revealed this information to the public.

The whole affair with Meghan’s remarks regarding Nelson Mandela is just astonishing, they said in their opening statement to The Sunday Times.

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In particular, the source worries, “Who’s next, Gandhi? The sadness and delusion of it all are simply beyond words.

Everyone wished for them to succeed financially, pursue their charitable initiatives, and find happiness. They also hoped that by going their own way, they would no longer feel the need to criticise the system as often as they currently do. However, because of their star power, they must be associated with the Royal Family, and tension within the family feeds these flames.

Before coming to a conclusion, the source delivered a grim warning about the Queen and acknowledged that she is no longer “interested” in continually being “on tenterhooks” and waiting for the “next nuclear weapon.”

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Read More HereMeghan Markle very terrible mistakes are waging a war in the UK.

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