The cost of Prince Harry’s “vanity or folly” is “a tiny fortune” for the public.

The cost of Prince Harry’s protection alone is nearly a “small fortune” for the UK and its citizens.

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The long-lasting effects of Prince Harry’s attempt to gain security are said to have cost the Country a “small fortune.”

In a lengthy essay written for The Sun, this admission was made.

“IS it vanity or folly that causes Prince Harry to pursue his court fight to have armed guards should he visit the UK? “, the question in the headline says.

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Whichever it is, the Government and by extension, taxpayers are paying a small sum in legal fees.

The truth is that he and his family would always be under armed guard when they attended official events and lodged on royal grounds.

Any security officers he hires for private excursions are obviously not permitted to carry guns.

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But it is his problem because, by decision, he is no longer a working royal and the Met Police armed guards are not available for rent to any foreign-based prince or politician who visits the country and thinks they might be a little vulnerable, regardless of matters how affluent they are.

It’s unfortunate that Harry didn’t think about his security when he revealed how many Taliban he had killed in Afghanistan in his nasty tell-all book, making himself a target and betraying his former military allies.

The irony is that, should Harry decide to grace us with his presence at the King’s coronation, his court case might not be resolved in time for it, the author continued before drawing to a close.

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